Posting with Purpose: Automated Posts

Easy. When it feels as if you have a thousand things coming at you, anything that can make life easy always wins. The less we have to worry about the better, right? Not always! My Posting with Purpose series continues this week touching on the one thing every business owner loves: the ability to schedule social media posts. Weighing out the pros and cons, let this blog help you dig deeper on what is right for your company. 


Convenience. This is the top reason everyone uses automated features on social media platforms or third-party posting! With the ability to reach your audience and grow that reach at peak times (without having to login), the ease of scheduling content for Facebook, Twitter and your blog has never been more fitting. 

Consistency. If you know your current and potential audience then you know when they are online. Having the capability to schedule posts during those times is a priceless component for making an impression! If you want to increase your company's loyal customer base than this is probably your number one reason for automated posts. 

Exposure. Here is your opportunity to get your brand out there! Anytime you are able to be present on social media (even if you cannot be at a computer) when your competitor is not and schedule posts when your audience is the most engaged, you grow your exposure. 


Neglect. Whether on social media or blog, it is easy to schedule posts and forget about them. By doing this, you neglect your audience - especially if they are commenting and/or sharing your post! If you put in the time and effort to schedule the posts, do not forget that you created the post in the first place. 

Outdated. This con only arrises if you schedule your posts out too far in advance. If you are scheduling a link to a recent article two weeks from the day it went live, your pos is no longer relevant. 

Lack of Personalization. This is one of the biggest reasons why I am against automated posting! If you use a third-party social media software then it will name that company will be named in the post. If you have your blog directly post to Facebook, than only a link (no content!) will be posted. 


I am a big fan of automated posts, but it is all about finding a balance and avoiding the cons! Be honest with yourself and your schedule when it comes to automated posting. By following these three simple steps you will be able to engage with your audience and maybe even run your company without feeling too overwhelmed! 

  1. Do not schedule your posts too far in advance. This relates back to neglecting your audience and your posts. Missing out on opportunities for conversation means that you are losing business.
  2. Know your audience. It is not necessary to post every single day to reach and engage with your audience. Research when your ideal audience is online and schedule your posts  accordingly! 
  3. Avoid automated blog posts. From tagging other businesses to adding a personal touch, there are countless to avoid automated blog posts. You lose every possibility of creating a personalized aspect for your audience if your blog posts automatically to social media.

Interested in launching a social media campaign or want to know where your current posts stand against competition? Contact me and start posting with a purpose today!